Impact of Pornography on Children
Pornography is like a magnet to the brain – it pulls viewers in to look
Like adults, children, both girls and boys, will react to Pornography even if the images are disturbing or frightening – it’s a natural biological response but they can be deeply disturbed by what they see. A child’s brain processes Pornography very differently to an adult’s brain.
This list of resources will help you to understand how children are exposed and in fact why those in the dark web, producing this kind of material are aiming it at your children while they are so young.
You will also learn how to empower young children to become resilient to the sexually explicit images they might be exposed to since they are developmentally not equipped to deal with it.
Impact of Pornography on Children Resources
The Unspoken Epidemic: Children and Pornography
#Parenttalk emphasizes the urgent need to talk to our children about Pornography
South African Dr Anke brand talks about impact of Digital overuse
Dr Anke Brand (PhD) is a respected speaker, consultant, teacher and counselor on internet addiction and compulsive gaming disorder. For more on her work visit or WhatsApp on +27825271548
Book for Parents
Using easy-to-understand science and simple analogies, this ground-breaking book engages young kids to porn-proof their own brains.
Website with lots of information on how to raise porn-resilient children
"What exactly is the porn industry. And what should you know about it?"
Internet safety
How media apps impact the child-brain
A Christian website with loads of resources
How do kids from intact homes become 'addicted to porn'?
Culture Reframed Resources
A FREE U.S. resource for parents available online
Comprehensive website on all aspects of Pornography and its impact
How early porn exposure can impact children
Kristen Jensen talks to Neuroscientist
Dr. Gola is a leader in the field of studies of neuroscience of problematic pornography use.
The Porn Phenomenon
Nationwide study conducted 6 years ago but the results of which impact the understanding of the effects of porn
Boys Exposed: How Porn Traumatizes
How Early Porn Exposure Traumatizes Boys and Fuels an Unhealthy Perception of Masculinity
Explore TAP
Porn - Some Statistics
The Influence of Porn on the Brain
The Impact of Porn on Children
The Impact of porn on relationships
The Impact of Porn on Society
Information for Parents and teachers
Women and Pornography Addiction
Church Pastors, Clergy
Betrayal Trauma
Device Protection
Plan for Parents
Pornography and Sex Trafficking
Digitale Verslawing
Order Good Pictures Bad Pictures
Theology of the Body and Pornography