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Welcome to “Talk About Porn”. Pornography has a wide reaching impact on our world today. From the wife whose husband is hooked on pornography, to the children who were exposed at a young age and can’t seem to shake the habit, to those who are in the porn industry, who are often been taken advantage of or victims of human trafficking… This phenomenon is effecting more and more people in more troubling ways, and it is closer than we may think not just here in our own country, but in our families. TAP is a resource website designed to put all the info and resources in one place, and especially those dealing with a South African context, for you to be well informed and equipped to address this issue head on, in your own life and the lives of your family.
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Explore TAP
Porn - Some Statistics
The Influence of Porn on the Brain
The Impact of Porn on Children
The Impact of porn on relationships
The Impact of Porn on Society
Information for Parents and teachers
Women and Pornography Addiction
Church Pastors, Clergy
Betrayal Trauma
Device Protection
Plan for Parents
Pornography and Sex Trafficking
Digitale Verslawing
Order Good Pictures Bad Pictures
Theology of the Body and Pornography